The Remix

The Reoutfitter Remix is our online styling platform.

This revolutionary tool is beloved by our clients who struggle to remember “what goes with what,” because you’ll have it at your fingertips. Your entire wardrobe is digitized and lookbooks created for you.

*Shopping is a breeze: hyper-curated selections, just for you. Your recommended styles* will stay on file should you feel the urge to shop on your own after your Reoutfit.

We are currently the only stylist in Singapore using this platform, and believe it adds an incredible value.

*Shopping selections only for Full Reoutfit and Premium Full Reoufits.

How it works

Step 1. During your Closet session, we will photograph and catalog your existing wardrobe.

You’ll be able to reference by type what you own and how much in each category - giving you a clear picture of what you might be missing.

Step 2. Lookbooks are created for you after your session(s), based on styles you own or styles we recommend along with styles you own*

Never again feel lost for how to pair styles!

Step 3. *For Premier & Full Reoutfit clients, receive a curated shopping list, saving you time: never have to flip through pages of pages of online websites.

Communicate with me: ask me questions, “heart” your favorite styles, prioritize styles for lookbooks, and more.

Let’s Chat! Schedule your free 30-min discovery call: